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(9 months ago)
Scot at Savatree and his amazing staff did a great job on our very sentimental project. My mom and dad planted a red Maple tree in our front yard when we moved into our new house 64 years ago - it just kept growing and growing and now takes up almost the entire front lawn. I played in that tree with my brothers and all our kids and cousins as well over the years - it means the world to us....
Shari Melillo
(4 months ago)
They did a fantastic job and quickly! Will probably need them again in a few years because the wisteria is very aggressive.
(4 months ago)
The crew lead by Ross Jeffrey did an excellant job in trimming all the trees on our property. Very professional and knowledgeable. After they completed their work they walked me through what they did for my review and approval. Very pleased with all the services I receive from SavATree.
Angela Claudatos-Parks
(5 months ago)
Juliet at SaveATree is a true professional. She provided expert advice on the caring of evergreens, shrubbery and trees. I was impressed with her knowledge of each species and her advice for their future healthy growth.
Nolan Rothkopf
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