
Maryland Tree Services by Certified Arborists

SavATree Branches in Your Area

At SavATree, we take pride in providing top-quality tree, shrub, and lawn care services to residents and businesses designed to meet the specific needs of Maryland’s landscapes. Our local teams understand the unique environmental challenges in your area and are dedicated to helping your property thrive. With a commitment to safety, professionalism, and customer satisfaction, we enhance the beauty and health of your outdoor spaces.


Frequently Asked Questions in Maryland

  • Yes, SavATree can help protect trees from pests like the emerald ash borer and spongy moth. Our certified arborists provide targeted treatments, monitoring, and preventive care to mitigate the effects of these invasive pests and ensure the long-term health and vitality of trees in Maryland.

  • Yes, there are regulations for removing trees near designated historical sites in Maryland. SavATree ensures compliance with local laws and guidelines, working with preservation agencies to protect historical landscapes while managing tree care or removal in these sensitive areas.

  • SavATree recommends improving drainage, avoiding overwatering, and selecting moisture-tolerant species to protect your trees from root rot caused by frequent rainfall. Our certified arborists can assess soil conditions, treat existing issues, and provide solutions to promote healthy root systems.

  • Maryland's state tree is the white oak (Quercus alba). Renowned for its stately presence, durable wood, and importance to wildlife, this iconic tree is found throughout the state's woodlands and landscapes. Its broad canopy offers shade, and its acorns provide essential food for birds and mammals.

  • Maryland's forests cover over 40% of the state's land area, featuring species like loblolly pine and red maple. Maryland’s trees provide critical habitats, help manage Chesapeake Bay runoff, and showcase stunning fall foliage.