
Oklahoma Tree Services by Certified Arborists

SavATree Branches in Your Area

Frequently Asked Questions in Oklahoma

  • Tree species that tend to thrive in Oklahoma's semi-arid climate include lacebark elm, oklahoma redbud, various oaks, and black gum. Your arborist can provide tailored guidance to identify the trees best suited to your specific area and property.


  • To protect trees from tornadoes or severe windstorms, we ensure proper pruning to remove weak or dead branches, strengthen root systems with adequate watering and mulching, and recommend staking young trees or using structural supports for large trees in high-risk areas.

  • Yes, SavATree offers pest management services to protect trees from common Oklahoma pests, including bagworms and webworms. We provide targeted treatments to control existing pests and preventive measures to build resistance against future infestations. Contact us for expert care tailored to your tree’s specific condition.

  • SavATree manages tree care in Oklahoma's soils by improving soil health through mulching, proper fertilization, and amending the soil with organic matter. These practices support stronger root systems and promote healthier, more resilient trees in challenging soil conditions.

  • Oklahoma’s state tree is the eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis). This small, deciduous tree is known for its bright pink-purple flowers in early spring. It thrives in a variety of soil conditions and is commonly found in forests, along roadsides, and in landscapes throughout the state.