Meet Your Local Arborist

We care for what you love

Areas Serviced:

  • Bethesda
  • Cabin John
  • Chevy Chase
  • Chevy Chase Village
  • Chevy Chs Vlg
  • Glen Echo
  • Martins Add
  • Martins Additions
  • N Chevy Chase
  • North Chevy Chase
  • Potomac
  • Rockville
  • Westlake

Jesse Wyner

ISA Certified Arborist

Areas Serviced:

Jesse provides comprehensive tree and shrub services to homeowners like you throughout the Montgomery County region of Maryland. Jesse holds a B.S. in Environmental Science and Technology from the University of Maryland. As an ISA Certified Arborist with over 15 years of experience, Jesse provides detailed assessments and strategic care plans tailored to your property's needs. Jesse was born and raised in Montgomery County, Maryland and his college team placed 14th in the International Soil Judging competition. 


Jesse earned a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Technology with a concentration in Soil and Watershed Science from the University of Maryland.


Jesse began his career as a landscaper in 2009 operating out of an independent garden center in Washington, D.C. He has extensive experience in landscaping as well as tree work and sales. Over the years he has taken continuing education classes on tree identification, wildflower identification, meteorology, and soil science.

Industry Involvement, Awards and Certifications:

Jesse competed on the Intercollegiate Soil Judging team at the University of Maryland where his team won first place at the National Competition in 2017 and was ranked 14th overall in the 2018 National Competition. He is currently working on becoming a Licensed Tree Expert.


Jesse was born and raised in Montgomery County, Maryland and now owns a small farm in Myersville with his wife. He is an avid gardener, native plant enthusiast, and huge Green Bay Packers fan.

Community Involvement:

While working as a landscape and garden center in D.C., Jesse became involved in the urban gardening community by teaching classes on plant care, nutrition, and gardening at places such as Bread for the City – a nonprofit that has the largest rooftop garden in Washington, D.C.

Why did you become an arborist?

“I have always been an outdoor person and my love for trees and nature has only grown. I was particularly inspired to take classes on tree identification through the Audobon Society and from caring for my own fruit trees.”

Customer Service Philosophy:

“I believe that taking an empathic approach helps understand what the property-owner wants to do with their landscape.”

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