Meet Your Local Arborist

We care for what you love

ISA Certified Arborist Badge

Areas Serviced:

  • Brookfield
  • Elmhurst
  • Forest View
  • Indianhead Pk
  • La Grange
  • La Grange Highlands
  • La Grange Park
  • La Grange Pk
  • LaGrange Hglnds
  • Lagrange Hlds
  • LaGrange Pk
  • Lombard
  • Mc Cook
  • N Riverside
  • North Riverside
  • Oak Park
  • Oakbrook Ter
  • Oakbrook Terrace
  • River Forest
  • Riverside
  • Western Sprgs
  • Western Springs
  • Willow Spgs
  • Willow Springs

David Kusnierz

ISA Certified Arborist

Areas Serviced:

David provides comprehensive tree, shrub, and lawn care services to homeowners like you throughout Cook and DuPage Counties. David holds an associate’s degree in Urban Forestry. As an ISA Certified Arborist with a focus on emerald ash borer research, David combines scientific knowledge with practical solutions to ensure your trees thrive for generations. David lives in Winfield with his wife Edith, who is also an arborist. Together, they share a passion for trees and have visited some of the oldest, largest, and tallest trees in the world.


David is an ISA Certified Arborist and has spent time as a licensed applicator in the Plant Health Care field. He also worked in Research at The Morton Arboretum for the Entomology Lab, doing extensive tree research. He has been personally involved in Emerald Ash Borer research studies throughout the Chicago-land area. He does Tree Walks and provides presentations for Garden Clubs across the metro area.  He has done dozens of Arbor Day presentations across the area handing out thousands of Arbor Day seedlings to grade school children.


David has an associate’s degree in Urban Forestry from Joliet Junior College.

Industry Involvement/Awards/Certifications:

  • ISA Certified Arborist (IL-9126A)
  • Presented to the Illinois District Foresters on Bur Oak Blight
  • Involved in state-wide Forest Health Protection survey to monitor for new and exotic pests


David lives in Winfield, with his wife Edith, who is an arborist as well. They share a deep love of trees and are always on the lookout for state champion trees. They have seen the oldest, largest and tallest trees on the planet (Bristlecone Pine, Sequoia, and Redwoods). David is a golfer and likes to garden. He is constantly tinkering with his audiophile stereo.

Why Did You Become An Arborist?

“I became an arborist because I love trees and have since I was a young boy.”

Your Customer Service Philosophy:

“Simple – the Golden Rule. I treat my clients like I would like to be treated. And I care for their trees as if they were my own.”

What are David’s Clients Saying?

“We received expert advice from SavATree and they scheduled the work in a convenient window of time for us. The work was completed with professionalism and expertise. They cleaned up the branches thoroughly and we look forward to using this company to help us care for our trees for a long time to come.” –Steve H.

“Dave, thank you for your interest in my trees, shrubs and lawn. I feel confident that with your dedication my yards will be in super shape in the near future.”

M. A.

“I am happy with the work provided and was especially happy with the professionalism of the crew and the crew leader’s willingness to talk to me and explain and answer various questions I had.”

Al K., Oak Park, IL

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