
Frequently Asked Questions in Wisconsin

  • Sudden temperature changes can cause frost cracks and ice damage in thin-barked trees, so consider wrapping trunks with burlap or specialized tree wraps to help insulate against harsh winter conditions. Your local SavATree arborist may also recommend adequate watering before the ground freezes, applying mulch to insulate roots, and using antidesiccant treatments to lock in moisture.

  • Yes, SavATree provides treatments and preventive options for Dutch elm disease. Routine monitoring helps detect issues early, and targeted treatments may be recommended based on the severity of the infection. Contact your local SavATree arborist to assess the health of your trees and protect against Dutch elm disease.

  • SavATree’s local arborists specialize in caring for trees in a variety of environments, including Wisconsin’s unique soil and climate conditions. Our SavATree arborists can customize a tree care plan based on the needs of your property, which may include soil analysis, amendments, fertilization, and proper watering. 

  • SavATree focuses on improving soil health, ensuring proper watering, and providing expert pruning to support tree health in urban environments. We also use root management techniques and offer ongoing maintenance to help trees thrive in limited green spaces.

  • Wisconsin’s state tree is the sugar maple (Acer saccharum), valued for its hardwood and maple syrup production. It grows well in the state’s climate and is a common species in Wisconsin’s forests.