Martha Stewart’s “Gentle Reminders” for Spring Spring Care Martha Stewart keeps a “gentle reminders” calendar in her greenhouse so she does not miss the optimal windows for essential spring and summer care. March Begin with a Clean Slate: Clear debris and fallen branches to prepare your garden for spring. Prune for Health: Trim trees and shrubs to remove dead or damaged branches. Enrich Your Soil: Test your soil and correct any imbalances. Add compost to nourish your garden beds. Proactively Protect Against Pests: Apply eco- friendly horticultural oils to smother scale insects and reduce over-wintering populations of aphid and mite eggs. I use SavATree ArborPatrol to monitor and treat all of my trees and shrubs. April Plant Cool-Weather Vegetables: Sow peas, lettuce, and spinach for early harvests. We often use Bonnie plants available at garden centers. Begin Lawn Care: Apply slow-release (organic) fertilizer and seed bare areas of your lawn, if needed, to promote green growth. Monitor for Pests: Inspect, identify, and address them promptly. Protect Against Ticks: Schedule your first organic tick treatment for May. May Add Mulch: Spread organic mulch to conserve moisture and suppress weeds. I use Miracle-Gro Organic All Natural Mulch. Plant Flowers: Plant annuals and perennials for color and fragrance. Monitor Lawn: Avoid spring fungal disease with soil enhancers. Prepare for Storms: Perform structural pruning to prevent summer storm damage. To view summer garden and landscape tips, visit our website here. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with an expert arborist.