
Tick Control

We care for what you love

Tick Control For Yards and Other Properties

Finding a tick on your property is enough to make anyone feel anxious and uncomfortable. Ticks are not just a small nuisance — they’re also well-known vectors of diseases that can be a major threat to your family. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ticks carry and transmit diseases like Lyme disease, Powassan virus, Borrelia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis and babesiosis. Read on to learn how tick control and prevention methods can reduce the population of these unwanted pests so you can enjoy your outdoor space with peace of mind.

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Benefits of Professional Tree Care

Reduce Risk

Reduce Risk

Trees are both assets and liabilities. Protect your property with expert tree care that mitigates risk, minimizes hazards, and ensures a safe environment for all to enjoy.

Adhere to Requirements

Adhere to Requirements

Meet safety and environmental requirements while enhancing the property’s aesthetic appeal. Our professional tree care solutions are tailored to each property's unique needs.

Identify Challenges Early

Identify Challenges Early

Address potential tree health issues before they escalate. Our proactive care services identify and correct problems early, saving you from costly damages and preserving your landscape’s beauty.

Restore Tree Health

Restore Tree Health

Restore your property’s trees to their full glory with precise pruning that promotes healthy growth, improves structure, and enhances the natural beauty of your landscape, ensuring vibrant, resilient trees.

Treat Diseases Quickly

Treat Diseases Quickly

Our specialized treatments help protect your trees from common and emerging diseases. Early intervention and ongoing care keep your trees healthy for a lush, thriving landscape year-round.

Benefits of Professional Tree Care

Where do ticks live?

Ticks are found all over the U.S. but have a larger footprint in heavily wooded regions like the Midwest, Southeast and Northeast. The CDC outlined where ticks are most commonly found:

  • American dog tick: East of the Rocky Mountains and certain areas on the Pacific Coast.
  • Blacklegged tick, or deer tick: Eastern U.S.
  • Brown dog tick: Across the U.S.
  • Gulf Coast tick: Coastal areas of the U.S., mostly along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Lone star tick: Southeastern and Eastern U.S.
  • Rocky Mountain wood tick: Rocky Mountain states such as Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Utah.

When should you treat your property for ticks?

Any evidence of a tick habitat should be treated immediately to protect yourself, your children and pets.

Not all ticks are obvious to find. In the springtime — between May and June — ticks are in the nymph stage of their life cycle, which is considered the most dangerous. This is when they are at their smallest but still able to latch on to humans. Their size makes them very threatening because they’re more difficult to see, but they’re still just as harmful as adult ticks.

Between late August and September, ticks are looking to mate and get their blood from a host. And while not as common during the winter months, there’s potential for them to be highly active at this time.

Treating your property during each stage of the tick life cycle is important. That’s why we have all-season treatments available to control the population of these disease-ridden pests in your landscape.

What are the best options for protecting against ticks?

At SavATree, safety is a key component of our core values, and we understand the importance of protecting your landscaping and family from ticks. We bring a blend of research, experience and integrity to deliver that result.

SavATree tick control treatments that target both the lawn perimeter areas and tick-carrying mice and deer provide the greatest protection by quickly reducing the number of active ticks on your property. Our tick habitat treatments and organic tick repellent and landscape treatments are effective solutions because they target the tick population head-on and provide a solution that’s equally humane as it is efficient.

Why choose SavATree tick control for yard?

SavATree is proud to offer organic cedar oil-based tick control treatments.

Our organic treatment can give you peace of mind, protecting visitors on your property using an environmentally sensible, humane and effective solution. Are you ready to free your property of ticks? Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our certified arborists.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • As certified arborists, we provide expert, tailored care for your trees and greenery, using science-based solutions to meet your unique landscape needs.

  • Yes, our organic program uses OMRI-reviewed ingredients, and we customize programs with organic, traditional, or hybrid options to suit your landscape goals.

  • Yes, we provide customized landscape care, risk assessments, and consulting for commercial properties to enhance curb appeal, protect value, and ensure safety.

  • We’re reducing our carbon footprint through operational improvements and hybrid/organic programs, and our Consulting Group supports large-scale environmental projects at all levels. Our product selection is guided by agroscience and a three-tiered protocol to ensure environmental safety, efficacy, and cost. All our regulated ingredients are EPA-approved.

  • Yes. Our ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Consultants perform industry standard tree risk assessments. We follow all national safety standards (the ANSI A300 Part 9 standards, using the formula Probability x Consequences = Risk).

  • Yes. We offer plant health care services tailored to each unique property to properly support plant vigor, growth, and lifespan. Our arborists diagnose and treat insect and disease conditions to provide customized treatment plans for each unique species.

  • SavATree offers organic, traditional, and hybrid lawn care programs. Unlike other companies whose treatments are one-size-fits-all, we target our techniques and applications to the specific conditions of your grass and plants, the soil they’re growing in, and any other aspects that can impact the health of your turf.

  • SavATree is the leader in tree, shrub, and lawn care, with an award-winning team of ISA Certified Arborists. We tailor programs to enhance the safety and beauty of your property. A SavATree arborist will assess your landscape and provide a cost-effective, eco-friendly plan before our crews begin.

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