The Urgency: Assess Your Property and Take Action
When a tree is severely infested with emerald ash borer, treatment may be ineffective. A tree may be too severely compromised to save. That’s why we highly recommend utilizing preventive methods if you live in an at-risk area. SavATree can provide annual treatments to protect your beautiful ash trees against this highly destructive pest.
Tree damage from EAB progresses swiftly: without treatment, the tree usually dies within two to four years of initial infestation. Given the EAB’s aggression, many states have instituted quarantines of all EAB infestation areas in efforts to slow its spread.
Prevention. If you live in an at-risk area, we highly recommend utilizing preventive methods. SavATree can provide annual inoculation treatments to protect your ash trees against this highly destructive pest.
Treatment. The sooner EAB infestation is detected and treated, the greater your chances to save your trees and control EAB’s spread. Additionally, since the EAB beetle can travel from one tree to another, quick treatment of infested ashes can prevent its spread to healthy ash trees nearby.
Take-down. When a tree has advanced EAB infestation, the structural integrity of the tree is often too compromised to save — the wood cracks, the branches fail, and the base and roots of the tree become unsound. In such cases, the removal of the ash tree is the best option for the protection of nearby trees, plants, and structures, as well as humans and pets.
Though the decision to take down a tree is never an easy one for a property owner, waiting too long after detection of EAB infestation can significantly narrow the options for safe removal of the ash tree. Advanced decay of the tree may make climbing and rigging the tree too dangerous for the arborist to undertake. At that point, the only safe option for removal may be felling the tree, which, depending on the tree’s location on the property, may threaten other valuable trees and structures in its proximity.